Originally Posted By: canvasback
....Yes, many of us did have job interviews etc. And still partied. Are you suggesting you never imbibed?

And to your other post, as a resident of a country about to legalize pot, Im no fan of it. But I dont think we should be wasting a lot of resources trying to prohibit it. Please show me where that works. Just one more thing the government should piss off about.

Yup cback, I drank like a fish in college. I don't think I was one of those grumpy drunks, just a silly kid. I sort of moved on, but it never occurred to me to bork someone I was going to hire when I got drift that they might be some whiny progressive. Where'd I go wrong?

There is the libertarian view of recreational pot use, but you might recall that little back and forth Bill and I had about his home state? There's no doubt in my mind that marijuana is a gateway drug to the worse sorts of misery. Ask Bill, there's some big social welfare medicaid initiative being spammed on MT TV right now for the upcoming elections. Wasting resources? Get 'em hooked on abusable drugs first, then on entitlements next cuz they're sick, eh?