Originally Posted By: King Brown
None would have made the accusations here without a shred of evidence.

None here would have repeated such a ridiculous and outlandish claim without a shred of evidence... except for you King. Your only "witness" is a dead priest. That's even less compelling than any of the wild unsubstantiated accusations Democrats used to try to derail Kavanaugh's confirmation. You can't even keep the name of the dead Monsignor straight, first spelling his last name "Smyth", and now "Smith". And considering your past veracity, your eyewitness testimony isn't worth a cup of warm spit.

You say the Catholic Church was glad to welcome an unbeliever into their ranks. But you dishonor your own father by suggesting that he would be stupid enough to seek adult conversion and Baptism into a religion that he knew was built on a big fat lie, worshiped a phony Messiah who was a mere mortal, and employed dishonest clerics who perpetuated the greatest fraud in all of history.


I know you think we're all stupid, and I know you adhere to the belief that if you tell a lie often enough, people will eventually believe it. Sorry, it doesn't look as if anyone believes you. You also say this:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
What you believe is no concern of mine.

But it absolutely is a concern of yours King. It must be. Or you wouldn't keep returning with more fluff and more bullshit in an attempt to convince everyone that I'm vulgar and obnoxious, and that you are somehow better because some people in your family sang in choirs and have Christian values. If your argument was an airplane, it wouldn't clear the trees at the end of the runway.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.