Originally Posted By: 1cdog
Originally Posted By: Stan
So, Canadians are not only paying their hospital bills with taxes, they're subsidizing Americans who come there for surgery, too?


Stan, I think its just a case of KB tripping over his own BS.

And from being around my fair share of Canadians 4 or 5 months out of the year (who just happen to migrate to FL every year for some reason) - the Canadians - everyone of them poor mouth their health care system.

I posted earlier but deleted it, but since we are already down that hole.....
I live in Downeast Maine the border is literally 20 minutes from the house, my wife works in the healthcare field and rest assured roughly 20% of the patients are Canadians, they come here to get basic screenings, not because its cheaper, because its faster and we have better qualified specialists. The que system for healthcare is crazy, basic screenings can take 7 to 9 months, plenty of time for cancers to metastasis before they are found. I wont trade our current system for theirs and I'll fight to keep ours, granted things need to change, but not that drastic!