I've had the Communist/liberal/Muslim lover stuff tossed at me, which is a real knee slapper. If I were to report that to the REAL liberals (although I don't think they were card-carrying Party members) with whom I worked at a couple universities, I'd be guilty of homicide because they'd die laughing.

Then there's always the hypocrisy issue of the "Muslim lover" comment. Where I grew up and went to Sunday school, we learned that we're supposed to love our neighbors. I guess "neighbor" now means only those that go to the same church and have the same political views as the individuals tossing around such crap.

I've been hunting with two guys for over 40 years. They're both (shock!) DEMOCRATS! But guess what? They're solid supporters of the 2nd Amendment. One of them is retired military (as I am). The other one also served . . . as a helicopter door gunner in Vietnam.

Funny how some of those who sling that crap never got around to swearing an oath to protect the Constitution, much less signing up to serve their country. Hypocrites.

But I've chosen to exercise the ignore option and no longer have to listen to the hypocritical yapping.

Last edited by L. Brown; 11/03/18 08:02 PM.