Yorkie, it whats for dinner. That sounds like a real bad tv commercial. Poodle owners about ten mile from me have reported several dogs lost to coyotes. Seems the coyotes jump into the back yard, grab FeFe and are gone in a flash.

A friend has a game farm and he tells me Owls will kill his Pheasant in their covered flight pen. Seems they flush the birds and when the bird gets caught up in the netting, they then swoop down and bite the head off. He had several dead pheasant, without heads, found in the morning. He spent several nights watching the pen before he saw what caused it. It was a big owl. He did not say how he discouraged the owl. But over the years hes had several repeats. Cost of doing business and if the bird is still a fresh kill he just dresses if out for use later.

Last edited by KY Jon; 11/15/18 12:32 PM.