It probably is location/quarry specific. At the club, once. Duck hunting once. On the prairie, I make 4 hr loops, so probably once or twice a day.

A long day in the grouse woods sends you through the assembly disassembly pack/unpack process at least 8-10 times. Every time you move a vehicle to a different spot.

It's a pia.

On the grouse moor, somebody else is placing your shotgun fully assembled into a fleece lined slip. Maybe 5-7 times.

Assembling/disassembling a shotgun that many times a day is a waste of time. Unless you like to do it, then it's OK I guess.

It's not for me, and when I'm burning October daylight, I don't want to do it until I get home.

Obviously people should do what they like.

Out there doing it best I can.