A few months ago I saw a post on another forum about a first aid kit for dogs. I ordered working dog kit at the link below and supplemented it with several packs of anti-clot gel, more vet wrap, more clotting gauze, extra Benadryl tablets, a small bottle of sterile saline solution sold for contact lens wear, an Israeli Combat Compression bandage and a digital thermometer. I repacked it in this German Bread Bag with a rubberized liner. It had two holes in the bottom for drainage (I guess) which I covered with Gorilla Tape inside. I bought the bag from an Ebay store. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018ONRL2E/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s02?ie=UTF8&th=1
The same kit is more than adequate for humans. I need to add band aids to complete the kit for people.