This is a dog first aid kit I worked out with my vet. Mostly its for keeping a field trial dog working. There are a few other items I would add when hunting, the number one being a good Leatherman. Sorry the formatting is so poor.


Tick/flea prevention: BRAVECTO – please provide Revolution topically
OR Nexgard chewable
Heartworm: Heartgard chewable (if going to a heartworm endemic area)

Personal safety: Soft tie strap/rope or old pair of panty hose to create a make shift muzzle
Latex gloves
Penlight or flashlight
Eye medication: BNP ointment – 2-3 times daily (stronger than polysporin ophthalmic)
Naphcon ophthalmic for allergic conjunctivitis – 2 times daily
Saline rinse
Please provide
Ear medication: Otomax - 2 times daily
Please provide
Routine ear cleaning solution
Antiinflammatory: Metacam (Meloxicam) once daily as per weight of dog
OR Dermaxx (Deracoxib) once daily as per weight of dog
Please provide Dermaxx
Thermometer (rectal or ear – rectal is more accurate)
Allergic reactions: Reactine (Cetirizine) 5-20mg depending on weight of dog ONCE daily
Please provide
OR Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) 25mg 1-2 capsules per dog depending on weight of animal
*** When purchasing antihistamines, ensure there are no ADDITIONAL ingredients added such as decongestants or cough suppressants. Only ONE ingredient should be in active ingredient list.
Thorn/quill removal Tweezer
Needle nose pliers
Collapsible bowl for washing
18-20 gauge needle(s)
Bleeding: Tourniquet
Wounds: Chlorhexidine, betadine or benzoyl peroxide shampoos
Polysporin for skin or hibitane ointment
Non stick gauze pads (Telfa pads)
4X4 gauze squares
Vetrap – please provide
Kling and soft padding
Sticky bandage such as Liteplast, Elastoplast or equivalent
Adhesive tape
Alcohol wipes in foil packs
Torn toe nails Quik-stop or equivalent for bleeding toenails or small wounds
Nail clippers
Emetic: Try 1st Hyrdogen peroxide 3% to induce vomiting for non-caustic poisons or small foreign bodies. ~5-10mL/pet. Take for a short walk. Repeat in 10 minutes if no response.
Try 2nd 1-3 tsp in warm water given via syringe (5-10 mL syringe)
Dehydration: Plenty of water
Hypothermia: Blanket (eg foil blanket for heat retension)
Hypoglycemia: Corn syrup, pancake syrup or honey
Lameness: Ace/Tensor bandage for swelling support
Cold pack kits (acute swelling) or heat pack kits (chronic swelling or arthritis)
Splint eg tent poles/newspaper
Diarrhea: Pepto chewables
Metronidazole 250mg tablets ˝-2 tablets twice daily depending on size
FORBID probiotic sachets
Please provide
Vomiting: Pepcid A/C 10mg tablets – 1-3 tablets 1-2 times daily depending of weight OR
Zantac 75 – 1 tablet 1-2 times daily

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.