Woke up this morning to find an interesting video in my YouTube feed that's relatively new (published two weeks ago) from a young (or at least youngish) Brit about the decline of the side-by-side. I don't know him from Adam but he seems to be involved in the gun trade and shooting sports and, while he's a fan of the side-by-side, he's got bad news for those who share his fondness.

He concludes they're losing out in a trend that's probably irreversible. He explains the reasons why and also touches on the subject of valuations, which comes up for discussion here, too, now and then.

One question I have after watching the video: If the value of side-by-sides in the UK has dropped to the extent he says it has (and he should know) then why do the prices not seem to reflect that at the U.S. dealer websites I visit? (I'm thinking of 2 that either specialize in Brit guns or always seem to have a lot of them.)

Anyhow, the video is pretty short (under 7 minutes) and might be of interest to some folks here. I'd be interested in reading the reactions here of those who do watch it if anyone cares to react.

Video is here: https://bit.ly/2CGOyTv

Last edited by UpInMichigan; 01/23/19 10:57 AM.