I always appreciate the members here taking the time to open their front door and invite us in- thanks Ted. I shoulda known there would be a difference of opinion on the proper label for cornbread, primarily based on its thickness it would seem. That's not a staple where I hail from, but I always learn something here, and I wish I had one percent of the knowledge Miller has.

It does remind me of an experience a couple decades ago when my son and I were on our second pheasant hunt together. We had settled in at a small wobbly table in the only diner in a one stoplight town in SW Kansas. Two locals in overalls were nursing an always full cup of jet black motor oil, politely but firmly entrenched in their disagreement on the low temperature for that morning. It was a difference of one degree. I noticed that my son was also listening to the debate, as each contestant presented his case, wholly assured of its veracity and validity. Then one of them pulled out his ace in the hole, an empirical trump card to force his friend to fold:

"Clem, you know the official town temperature is taken from the thermometer on the old silo on Main, and it read 18 degrees." He settled back almost imperceptibly in his chair, a slight grin starting to escape from one corner of his mouth.

Clem stared impassively as his cup was brought from "add" to "full." Without looking up, he replied in a cold monotone, "True enough, Joe- but that thermometer is 65 feet off the ground." I turned to see an eye squeezing smile covering my son's face.


Tolerance: the abolition of absolutes

Consistency is the currency of credibility