Same old verbal Masturbation from the same losers...Jerry Garcia was the finest Bluegrass picker that ever lived..If you aint a Methodist,you aint shit....Keith is a sperm receptacle,those who agree with anything he says are smiling contributors...the only border wall we need is on the Northern border to keep opinions from non citizens out...The US Capital should be moved to Key West....ALL Black guns should be seized and exported.....If you want Southern border security, use Claymore mines....jOe has no DNA...The Republic of TEXAS should secede....Turn homeland security over to MS13.....Bernie is Right....I renamed my oldest son Vladimer...All cartridges should only be loaded with Nontox...Southern quail hunting is a joke...the ONLY good Bird Dogs are Airdales.....Everyone living east of the mississipi or in Kalifornia are communists.....Private property is Private....expand the welfare program...

If I missed offending anyone lemme know and I'll catch ya on the flip-flop...