Bummer! Crown over crossed pistols suggests damascus barrels? Do all the numbers match? Ejectors or extractor? The Grade of the Diamond Quality guns was, in part, defined by that feature. The year of manufacture was also a factor in determining which grade. The most common Diamond Quality grade (I think) was "275") w/ejector,"225" w.o. Usually two or three fine banknote engraved game scenes and usually no gold embellishment. These Lindner guns were available from before 1899 to WW1. Grade "375" w/ejector, "325" w/o. Heavy, deep chiseled Germanic engraving, lots of gold critters. For $500 you could order a "Regent Diamond" Quality. The rib was marked "Regent Diamond" and a gold crown on the bottom of the action. Very few were made so beware of fakes. Ken's book is a must have for Daly guys.