Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....Strom Thurmmond was a Democrat until Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act. He then switched to the Republican Party to oppose the new law.

Yabut Bill, what about the dems that didnt change partys? Stroms been gone for a bit, dont you remember dems getting Lott to step down because he wished ole Strom a happy birthday?

Didnt that old coot Byrd make it well into your new and improved progressive era? Nice fellow, eh?

Does Bill know who George Wallace is?

Really Bill, it's a matter of public record who started and supported the KKK. As it is a matter of public record which party supported emancipation and every other advancement that moved blacks from slaves to members of American society.

The fact that the Democrats, in the 1960's, made a wholesale, cynical and strategic swap of policy to suddenly portray themselves as the savior of the black man and people like you don't understand that, just shows why young people today know so little.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia