let me throw a curve ball -
I don't want to get involved in US politics -I don't live there anymore (unfortunately!)
My personal belief is, and has been for the last 40 of my 73 years, that the real problem we have is the number of people living on this planet - and growing exponentially !
More people, less space -
less space - more aggression
more people - more politics (see where it us in the UK today!!)
more aggro - more regs
more cars - more road regs
more cars - more regs and accidents (and more CO2 or whatever and more do-gooders)
more people, more idiots/criminals
more people need more food - where does it come from?
soon the area required to grow food for all of us will be greater than the available area -
(what was that film in the 80's?/90's? where the biggest (only?) company then was selling food pellets to the 'populace' that was made from your 'dear loved one'? he he!

and so on - I don't want to go any deeper into details, otherwise I run the risk of being called all sorts of names by the (local?) Press who like the New York Times...

I will say one thing though: if one watches certain TV programs and the News in general, it seems to me that, how shall I say this without running the risk of being sued in court? -
the families who seem to have the highest number of children - in the US or here in the UK - or anywhere else for that matter - seem to be the ones who are not in steady employ
(and have not been for a long time) and would not have much chance if they tried...
That seems to me to be another of the problems...
Call that what you like, but it's a fact!

Greetings from England
NRA Life 1974