Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Ted, Obama didn't cause the financial meltdown.When he saves the economy from the gamblers on Wall Street and turns it in the right direction, he gets no credit from his detractors. As soon as Trump takes over, he magically pulls prosperity from a hat. This conversation is amusing, but it doesn't seem likely to go anywhere.

Much like FDR didnt cause his meltdown, he just extended it for the following decade. From what I can see, and what I experienced, that extension of hardship is a hallmark of liberal administrations.
Id have taken my chances with the gamblers on Wall Street before I signed on to the level of debt Obama foisted on us, with a lot fewer promises and results then Wall Strret has delivered. It gets old pointing out to liberals that debt level surpassed the entire debt, combined, of all previous administrations.
Trump pulled nothing out of his hat. The rocketing up of the economy began the day of his inauguration, based on the expectations of what he campaigned on. Simple as that.
If the man had done nothing other than select the Supreme Court justices he has, and played golf for the remainder or his term, he would have done more good for the country than Obama had done his entire 8 years. I didnt vote for Trump, I voted against Hillary, and I and the nation got more, far more, than we could have dreamed.
