Originally Posted By: Brian
This thread is a perfect reason to bring back Misfires. It started out as a 2nd Amendment thread and devolved into a diatribe about parties and politicians. I get it, they can be intertwined with the 2nd A but this just went down a deep deep rabbit hole.
I don't have an issue talking politics for politics sake in the appropriate section (misfires) but folks need to stick to the initial topic of the thread.

I kinda agree with this... BUT... if I had a nickel for every thread that ever veered or was steered way off topic, I could buy a very nice double rifle. And I'm not just talking about those which have a political bent.

But I'm also glad this went off topic, because it illustrates some points I've made many times. The 2nd Amendment should ALWAYS be on topic in any firearms forum, because without the 2nd Amendment, all we could ever do is talk... maybe... if the government permitted that. But just look at who is most responsible for steering this thread into a Republican, Conservative, Trump-bashing fest. Then ask yourself why none of the usual Thread Police have uttered a peep about rocky mtn bill and his usual campaign to trash most any pro-gun politician.

Here's a challenge. Can anyone show me a thread or post here in the main Doublegun forum made by rocky mtn bill that ever offered any advice or useful information pertaining to double guns. Billy comes to this forum to drop his load of Liberal Left bullshit, and then retreats to the Custom Rifle forum where he acts as if it is a mortal sin to even broach the same subjects he brings to the front page. And all I can say is, King must not be feeling well, or he would have surpassed Billy at least 4 to 1 in off topic drivel and Canadian politics by now.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.