I doubt that there were any welders working their skilled trade in an 800 year old building that caused the fire at Notre Dame in Paris-- carpenters, brick masons, etc- yes-- So, my Georgia based gent'man, perhaps you'd care to rephrase that bold statement that casts aspersions on the trade that has its origins in blacksmithing-- Look at ll the recent terrorist acts that have occurred in France since 9/11 in NYC-- draw your own conclusions George, but don't blame skilled tradesmen that clearly were NOT involved in this tragic incident in The City of Lights--

Now, to "lighten the load here"- Just heard that the valuable church organ was removed to safety- Saints be praised for that- so, let me segue into a Church organ based joke--yes, that's right, gents-- there is such a joke-

The Church choir director was preparing the choir for the Easter Oratorio-- and his organist, Miss Smithers, was most diligent in her practice every evening leading up to that big event. But a sudden death in his family called him away for part of that week- he gave his keys to Miss Smithers so that she could continue to practice each evening-

When he returned, he went to the Church after dinner and saw her car parked in the lot, and could hear her practicing Handel's musical score as the entered. As he approached the organ in the loft, he saw a blue package on the top corner of the keyboard- he was a bit shocked to see it was a Trojan condom- especially shocked as Miss Smithers was a life-long spinster.

"Well now", he said to her-- "I see you have been busy practicing the Handel music while I was called away- sounds just right!"

"Oh, thank you ever so much", she replied. "But Miss Smithers, can you shed any light on how this blue package came to be placed on the organ?"--"Oh, my stars- yes I can, Mr. Epperson" she replied-- "Just the other night as I was walking up to unlock the door, I saw this on the pavement, and I picked it up and brought it inside with me--

Well, it read: 'To prevent spread of disease, place carefully on organ'! "Well, you know how often I get head colds in the Spring-- but ever since I put it there, I haven't even had a sniffle!""

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..