Originally Posted By: keith
Sorry Stevie, but you repeatedly stated that there is NO REGISTRATION of firearms In New Zealand. That was a 100% lie, and your own link confirmed that. Yet you kept on calling me the liar.

The 3% figure you cite is highly doubtful at best since all handguns and all semi-automatic firearms are registered one way or another. Other firearms are not registered at time of sale, but every gun owner or gun buyer must undergo a background check and have a license which can be revoked for criminal behavior or ANY perceived misuse. That's quite different from here where you could buy hundreds of guns from private owners without any registration or checks. Of course, Liberals like you see that as a problem. For you, 50 deaths from gun violence is just cause for infringements, yet 86 dead from a Muslim driving a delivery truck into a crowd in Nice, France isn't nearly such a concern to you.

Best of all Stevie... your precious 3% figure came from a known anti-gunner. That sounds like something King Brown would do in his perpetual quest to undermine our gun rights. Tell your intimate little boyfriend Shortshells I am still here, and said hi.

Wrong again Billie......and you know how deceptive you were are being currently. Only a very small number of the firearms in New Zealand were registered before this incident. NZ gun license holders in the past were only checked at the time of getting the license. When purchasing a gun they simply had to show the license. I watched this play out in multiple stores while there buying guns and a whole bunch of times in the gun store then owned by my friends. You were simply wrong. You were and are liar William.

Any evidence of the vast conspiracy working against you William? I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop. BWAHAHAHA....you are simply a joke Pocono Bill.

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