Todd is a force to be reckoned with at any shoot he attends, 'eh John? Actually I was referring to other shooters that have put far less rounds through their guns than Todd, but he can be added to the list.

My 20 ga. Beretta has gone through in excess of 1300 rounds a day without cleaning anything but the chamber, for four straight days .......on two different occasions. It's shot many sporting sub-gauge tournaments, untold GA dove shoots, and quail, without ever needing to have a part replaced, or repaired in any way. Never a failure, for 16 years.

All I can do is report my experiences, and those I have witnessed, anecdotal tho' they may be. Understand that I am not bashing Brownings, or saying they're junk. Please understand, all I am saying is that, IMO, they won't last as long as a Beretta 680 series, with the same use, care and maintenance.


May God bless America and those who defend her.