Hand matted - yes.
Fine lines - yes .
But it lacks the precise good looking execution when maschine cut(Guillochier).
Anyway the original Cartridge of that barell / action combination is really a mystery.
Rumor is , that there were 7x64 Brennecke rifles with a Magnum action , but seriously reported nowhere.

The magazine dimesions are exactly those specified for the
.375 H&H Cartridge.

There was no standard Oberndorf Magnum Magazine.

.318 WR
.280 Ross
.333 Jeff
.375 H&H the Rigbys and .404 and so on all used Magnum actions

with specifically dimensioned boxes.

Therefore it is in my eyes doubtful( though not impossible) that for the relative little 7x64 Brennecke such a Magnum action / Magazine box combo should have been (a)used to build that rifle.