Keith, you lying POS.

In what world do you have evidence that I maintained private communication and friendship with nca.

Do you mean the unsolicited PM he sent me in March after I called bullshit on you. Or are you talking about my efforts more than half a decade ago to get him to act civilly and not stoop to your level. Which of course failed.

What a deceptive POS you are. Anyone reading your post would assume you mean nca and I have some kind of ongoing discussion and friendship. But, as Bob so correctly points out, you are a liar, who surrounds your posts in quotes and evidence to divert attention from the bullshit of your content.

Like I said before Keith. You give the rest of us conservatives a bad name. You also give being a Christian and Roman Catholic a bad name if your actions here represent the behavior of a practicing RC.

A gutless keyboard warrior, bullying anyone you can. You have a few supporters here Keith but thats all. Just a few. Your toxic, OCD compulsion to attack and bully has driven many away from this site.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia