Bro. King: I came of age in the 60s, but believe our nation is much more and likely irreversibly fractured, and our union may soon be severed. How can we just get along when the traditional/conservative/deplorable vs. the progressive/enlightened/liberal positions are:
1. The Constitution means what it says and says what it means. It does not mean what a progressive chooses it to mean today, to be changed tomorrow.
2. The purpose of government is the common good; to serve the people, transparently, and not the other way around; to provide public works and for the defense of our nation. To encourage free enterprise and creativity.
3. Our rights are given by our Creator, and with rights come responsibilities. Our rights are not awarded by the government, which does not exist to give me my desires, wants and perceived needs.
4. The brilliance of our Founding Fathers is in creating a Constitution in which the government is protected from a state church, and the churches are protected from the government. And the minority is protected from the tyranny of the majority. In NO way did the Founding Fathers assert that the church was to have no influence (for good) or voice in government. And they would be shocked that preaching the Bible is now hate speech as it is in Europe.
5. Our rights are insured/enforced by the Rule of Law; not the rule of power or wealth (see 3rd world governments below).
6. The 2nd Amendment allows the people to provide for their personal safety (rather than hoping the government will do so), and to prevent the government from denying our God given rights. And many places in our nation have 3rd world levels of violence, which is metastasizing.
7. Killing babies in the womb is as wrong as killing babies after birth.
8. Our nation is exceptional, but with a dark history that must be factually stated, with the appropriate historical context. That does not however justify reparations for every possible victim groups, paid by those who had no responsibility for the harm.
9. Indoctrinating grade schoolers to gender fluidity, and requiring that they celebrate a classmates transition is wrong.
10. A nation without borders is not a nation, nor secure. And we don't improve 3rd world nations by bringing the nations here. We DO have some (Biblical?) obligation to help the suffering people in 3rd world nations (primarily because of the corruption of the governments) however.

Gun rights are not one issue; the above all go together in the minds of most of us.

So maybe we split into a. the NE; b. the south, mid-west, mountain west and southwest, and c. the left coast? Maybe give New Mexico back to Mexico? wink And let the great migration begin. Really.