In Matthew Jesus made the statement "I Will Build "MY" Church. We also read that he purchased it with His Blood, so he paid for it when he died on the Cross. No, I am not lds, I will not even capitalize them.

In the Bible, I find the church called
1; The Chuch of God
2; The Church of the Lamb
3; The Church of the First Born
4; The Church of Christ
5 The Church
Then finally individual congregations are often called by their location, as The Church at Ephesus for instance.

The Church of which I am an Elder wears name #4, not any man-made name, nor do we have any man written creed, only the Bible as our guide in Religious matters. Every congregation is overseen by their Elders & we have no "Headquarters".

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra