Originally Posted By: Drew Hause

Miller: do us Baptists, or Keith, have a hope of salvation without being baptized in a Church of Christ church?

I was baptized as an infant Preacher. Roman Catholic. That's why I continue to reject King's totally dishonest story about Roman Catholic clerics who would baptize his father as an adult convert, without belief in the Resurrection of Jesus. And I reaffirmed that rite when I was confirmed. Then we continue to openly reaffirm our beliefs and rejection of Satan during a blessing every year at Easter.

Something that you and I and Miller could take from this sidebar discussion is the real possibility that Liberal Left Democrats would use our belief in God as an excuse to utilize Red Flag Laws, and declare us all unfit to own firearms. That's more in line with the topic than nitpicking each other to death over the words in the Bible.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.