Well Mustela frenata, it didn't take long at all for me to find name calling in your replies to me. You even took my generic name for you, and called me a weasel. Do you need a post number, date, and time? Or would you prefer to run away from your lies like your pals do? I suppose calling me a liar or OCD doesn't count in your world. And try to be honest for once, and take a gander at your past posts... especially those where you demonstrate your obsessive compulsive need to denigrate jOe.

Yeah you're another innocent choir boy Mustela. And you can try to deny it, but you own the Melt-Down tag. I tried having a frank discussion with you by e-mail... off the board and strictly between us. You decided you needed to show your buddies your estrogen overload by continuing your attacks in public.

I finally realized, a couple years too late, that JOe was 100% right about you... which probably explains your need to discredit him every chance you get. jOe's words, "With friends like you, who needs enemies" finally sunk in... about two or three years too late. So I sent you a PM... A personal message... where I admittedly told you to go f**k yourself, and terminated our sham friendship. That's it. No melt downs or emotions. Over and done, with my one little special exclamation point. I felt better for finally doing it. However, you were so butthurt that you decided to take it public, and you turned my PM into a now deleted thread on the main Double Gun forum.

If you wish to publish it again, go for it. Stop with the hysterical threats and just do it. Have a replay of your little melt-down if it makes you feel better. It won't change my opinion of you a bit, and it might show a few more people why I decided you were a phony two-faced Canadian weasel.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.