One of those questions you keep avoiding like HIV is why... with all of the incontrovertible proof you claim to have of Trump's collusion with Russia to throw the election.,... why didn't an ex-FBI Director like Mueller find it and indict him?

And why haven't you given your PROOF to someone who could do something, like Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer, so they could impeach him?

You won't answer those questions because you know the opinions in your links are nothing but agenda driven bullshit from sour-grapes Liberal Left Democrats.

And you also won't go anywhere close to the fact that Obama kissed Putin's ass and let him have his way with the Ukraine, Crimea, and Syria.

But Mustela fenata always argued that is was good to have dishonest people like you around to debate. He thought we might change you. Only problem is, guys and girls like you, Stevie, and King run like sissies from anything that exposes the weakness, fallacy, or dishonesty of your positions.

OK, time for you to run, twist, or deflect again. Do you ever wish you weren't such a cowardly pussy?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.