I note that you once again just danced around my questions Billy. You ask me questions, and I give you point-by-point replies. However, you avoid most of my questions because for you to answer most of them, it would further expose you as a foolish, hypocritical, supporter of the Democrats and their anti-gun agenda.

If you really find my posts boring Billy, then the obvious solution is for you to simply quit reading them.

But I will continue to read your posts, and I will continue to QUOTE you here when you post your support for anti-gunners on the main Double Gun forum and elsewhere. Stevie thinks that it is good to help Liberal Left Democrat anti-gunners like you. I do not. And I will continue to ask why Stevie feels entitled to free advertising of his services, and why Libtards like you support him taking advantage of Dave. Of course, you've done your own share of advertising in this forum instead of using the proper For Sale forum. Libtard Birds of a feather...

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.