That's ridiculous Billy. So you are telling us that just because the Liberal Left Democrats have had some success in demonizing an inanimate object, we should incrementally give up our Constitutional Rights to appease them?

I have repeatedly posted links and information about many other mass homicide attacks that did not involve AR-15's or any other firearm. The use of box cutters helped Islamic terrorists kill around 3000 innocent people on 9/11/2001. The school bombing by a disgruntled janitor in Bath Township Michigan in 1927 which killed 44 people remains the worst school massacre in U.S. history. Then there's the 1990 Happyland Dance Club arson in NYC that killed 87 people. The murder weapon was much more cost effective and efficient than any AR-15 Billy. It was less than $1.00 of gasoline and a match.

Did you happen to Google mass murders in Australia to see how many were arson fires? New gun laws and confiscations there have not stopped these mass killings. Have you forgotten the recent fad of running big trucks into large crowds of people? The truck attack in 2016 in Nice, France took 87 lives. No Universal background Check would have stopped it. All the killer had to do was rent or steal a large truck.

What is not defensible Billy, is having idiots like you who are so willing to blind yourself to these facts, and are equally willing to give up our rights and freedoms. We've reached a point where intelligent gun owners need to realize that guys like you are working to help anti-gunners steal our rights and freedoms.

And not once have you ever suggested regulating or banning the anti-depressant drugs that seem to drive many of these mass murderers to have the desire to kill themselves and as many others as they can. Your only solution is to give up someone else's gun.

Earlier, I posted a picture and statement about the mass shooter Charles Whitman. He killed 14 and wounded 32 people at the University of Texas. He used a bolt action rifle very similar to your Mauser. Anti-gun Democrats also hate these "sniper rifles" and "weapons of war" like your Mauser. So when are you going to destroy it or surrender it to them to appease them?

Inquiring minds want to know. So how will you squirm away from these questions Billy? What excuses will you concoct to keep your Mauser, and give up the semi-autos owned by millions of equally law abiding U.S. citizens?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.