Originally Posted By: King Brown

World-wide, Americans may carry more opprobrium than Muslims generally as a consequence of building their huge empire, often at point of the rifle supporting hideous governments to serve their economic and military interests. Cost of the In-God-We-Trust empire in human suffering surpasses what Muslims have waged against America.

It's good to see your true anti-U.S. sentiment slip out occasionally, as it did here King. You continue to be a lying fraud.

Most of us are having trouble when looking at a map of the globe, finding any trace of this huge United States empire built at the point of a rifle. The U.S has been instrumental in conquering plenty of dictators and murderous regimes. But the U.S. has also spent billions, if not trillions, helping these nations to rebuild and establish their own governance. Your Canada has been a partner in many of these excursions, so it must be hard for you to accept your country being complicit in all of this hideous imaginary empire building.

You also know that it is only because of the strength of our military that Muslims have been mostly kept from inflicting more harm upon America. I notice that you were careful to avoid mentioning the massive and continuing bloodshed that the "Muslim Religion of Peace" has inflicted upon their neighbors and other Muslims. Just in the last 30 days, there have been 95 Islamic attacks in 18 countries, in which 465 people were killed and 640 injured. Yet you Libtards go out of your way to hide this, while you work relentlessly to take away the 2nd Amendment Rights of law abiding U.S. citizens.


I'd like to see you or your little brother Larry Clown produce a similar reference of current Christian (or any other religion) atrocities.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.