Amen to that-- Kill all the Jihadists that want to destroy Christians- whether Americans, or Canadians, like "Da King"- Mae and I are visiting his Country now-- Niagara Falls- she speaks fairly good French (read all the signs along the Falls Route that were in French) but I found out at breakfast this morning, the hostess is a French-Canadian from New Brunswick (near King's hide-away in Nova Scotia) and speaks both French and English- that New Brunswick is the only Maritime province in Canada that is considered to be by-lingual by the Gov't-- even over Quebec. Perfect weather, and when we shown the customs folks our passports, they always ask if we have any firearms or weapons--

I'd sooner try to shove a pound of butter up a wildcat's ass with a red-hot poker than get busted by Customs- not a smart move.

Lots of international "tan folks" here as tourists- Canada is lucky, besides hockey, walleyes, and fairly great beers, no"towel-heads" are gonna fly a 747 into the Skylon- not in my lifetime anyway- RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..