King's responses here really say it all...

First, we have his response to Ted's excellent post on Climate Change. Ted made it real simple for Libtard simpletons. The photo showing zero sea level rise over the last 140 years at Sydney Harbor... the old Washington Post newspaper clipping from 1922 reporting on Global Warming... and of course the great pic relating the fact that polar bear populations have more than quadrupled in Al Gore's lifetime... all great stuff.

Yet King has no trouble dismissing the truth, and returning to the sheep-like bleating of Liberals. Anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats really have it made. They can feed their followers complete and utter bullshit, and their flock of brainless sheep accepts it without question.

We've had a fairly warm summer here, so last week, I took another look at the Historical Data on the National Weather Service website for several cities in my part of the world. For the city where I work, the hottest year on record was 1931. 2012 was the only year in the 21st century in the top ten, and it was in 6th place for hottest year. Other cities I looked at also confirmed that there is nothing either alarming or remarkable going on... except for all of the nutty Democrat Chicken Little's crying that the sky is falling.

Then we have King's reaction to the Justin Trudeau blackface scandal. We can see and hear his fake yawn and relative disinterest all the way from Nova Scotia. If it had been Trump or Bush in blackface, we'd never hear King stop crying about what horrible racists they are. This is the kind of crap that King uses to justify supporting anti-gun Democrats. What a fraud!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.