No King, Climate Change is not the existential issue facing the world today. You have to be dishonest, or have a willingness to be duped, and to ignore facts to think that there is going to be some catastrophic unstoppable and dramatic change in our lifetimes, or the lifetimes of your great grandchildren. If anything, we are on the precipice of moving toward a gradual global cooling. Arctic ice is currently melting somewhat while Antarctic snow and ice pack and glaciation is increasing. The former has very little effect upon ocean levels because it has already displaced nearly all the ocean water that it can, since it is not piled on top of land for the most part. A melting ice cube will not overflow a glass, and a melting polar ice cap will not flood Miami, Florida. I am still embarrassed at the knowledge that my alma mater and East Anglia University conspired to alter climate data to fit the false narrative of the Left. But the Left did all it could to steer clear of the Climate-gate Scandal:

The members of your gun club would have to be complete idiots to anoint someone like you to counter Justin Trudeau's latest assault on gun rights. You support him and his efforts to eliminate assault style semi-autos, and to help cities ban handguns. And don't you think it's time to stop telling the lie that you had anything at all to do with the efforts to eliminate the Canadian Long Gun Registry? Again, you supported and voted for the Liberal Left politicians who started it, and fought to keep it. You sound like an abortion Doctor who claims to be pro-life.

I totally agree that licking a stamp and sending a donation to the NRA isn't the beginning and the end of the fight to maintain gun rights. That's why, among other things, I spend so much time countering your lies and your support for anti-gunners. One of the most important things I think we all need to do is to recognize that FUDD's and Liberal Left Socialists like you are the driving force behind gun control. An arsonist can do little damage without gasoline and a way to ignite it. And anti-gunners can't do anything to infringe upon Gun Rights without anti-gunners like you who support them and vote them into office.

I know you think that things like increased Welfare benefits, higher taxes, Socialized medicine, and redistributing of income by taking more from those who work and produce is more important than maintaining our 2nd Amendment Gun Rights. So we can never agree. All I can do is illuminate the sick anti-gun agenda of people like you, and help them to understand that you are stabbing gun owners in the back, while also working to change the entire fabric of our society... for the worse.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.