King, I understand your need to avoid most of the points I made, and to not even go anywhere near offering us the name of the President of your gun club. You certainly don't want everyone to know how much you lie to us about being part of the effort to eliminate the Canadian Long Gun Registry.

Hint: We already know. You voted for the anti-gunners who started it, and funded it, and fought to keep it. Your idea of helping was stabbing Canadian gun owners in the back. You did that by supporting anti-gunners like the black-face racist Justin Trudeau.

The members of your gun club would have to be complete idiots to appoint someone like you to represent the interests of gun owners. That would be like hiring a known pedophile to babysit children.

I have also repeatedly stated that I know that the majority of Democrats are not gun owners or shooters. I certainly realize that most Democrats place a higher priority on open borders, unfettered illegal immigration, job-killing higher corporate taxes and regulations, and of course, income redistribution in the form of Welfare, Food Stamps, Housing assistance, and other taxpayer funded freebies. I'm not talking about them at all when I point out Liberal Left so-called gun guys who support anti-gun politicians.

Are you really too stupid to grasp this... or are you simply being dishonest about it? I do hope that you live just long enough to see Americans once again reject your Socialism and your anti-2nd Amendment attitudes by re-electing our pro-gun President Donald Trump. I really enjoyed the grief and sorrow you expressed when Trump won the first time.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.