Au contraire King, there is no small number of people here who have called you out as a serial prevaricator. Even the many who defended you in the past as a harmless old man have largely abandoned you or finally realized that you have serious issues when it comes to telling the truth. And since you've already exceeded the average male life expectancy for a Canadian, you should be grateful at my hope that you live long enough to see our pro-gun President Donald Trump win a second term. I do admit that your obvious sorrow and heavy heart over Trump winning in 2016 made me quite happy. How else should I feel when someone who works so hard to undermine my Constitutional 2nd Amendment Rights has a major setback, such as when Hillary Clinton lost?

So how about telling us the name and address of your gun club and its' president or officers? Don't you want us to know how much you did (or didn't do) to get rid of the Canadian Long Gun Registry? It would seem odd that some other Canadians posted about their involvement in the fight to end the Registry several times during that struggle. Yet you never said a word about it until after I repeatedly chided you about doing nothing to help. Then you came up with this new cock-and-bull story. If a bloviator like you had been involved in the smallest way... we would have never heard the end of your heroics. I'm not the only one here to realize that fact either.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.