They do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. though I feel I would like to add a few other observations to my last post. Those stock extensions are dreadful because the grain does not continue at the same angle as the stock grain and there is no excuse for that, just poor craftsmanship. If he has to keep them as is, may be have a couple of silvers pads fitted reducing those stock extensions length plus having the remaining extension wood coloured to blend in a little better. Though me being old and cantankerous I would return with the gun point out the short comings and want that remedial work done for a very low cost. I just cant get that case out of my mind, I am sure it would pay to have a decent refit done to fit the guns properly, also no real need for four snap cap positions two would be quite adequate plus some provision for a set of cleaning rods. Maybe reduce the Arthur Turner lettering size adjusted to half or less, well Arthur Turner is only a provincial gun retailers shop in Sheffield. Just my thoughts about making this pair of guns worthy of passing to future generations.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!