Agree- I won a Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag at a DU Banquet about 18 years ago- 28" ventilated rib, ported, choke tubes, the "whole enchilada. At first, I felt a bit "put off" by the plastic stock, much as I couldn't believe the M-16 when I first handled on in the Main Armory at Camp Pendleton CA- being used to walnut stocks on the M-1 Garands and the M-14's (except for the plastic front handguard on the M-14-- I grew up with the older Winchesters and Colts-- blued steel, walnut- and a solid feel to the gun--

But sportsmanship is in the quality of the man, how he treats his dog, should he be fortunate enough to have one at his side in the duck blind, or ahead of him working a swale for pheasants-- I have never felt out-classed with my well-worn Model 12's at our area pheasant hunting club- on the tower release shoots, I have seen a good variety of doubleguns (Woodword, H&H, Piotti, Parker and Parker repros- and plenty of Italian auto-loaders--they will all do their "job" if handled correctly- results being dead birds on the ground (for the dogs to pick up)--

I don't hunt too often on rainy days, mainly because, at almost 78 years of age, I don't need too- but if I had to shoot a goose or turkey in a drizzly day, I just as lief shoot that plastic stocked Mossenburger, and give my Winchesters a day off. RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..