It was Billy's friend Steven Dodd Hughes that used this forum as a vehicle for his free advertising of his over-priced stock making classes. When I brought it up... after he started shit with me... he called me on the phone from (406) 222-9377 in an obviously drunken stupor. He threatened to engage in internet doxxing. But after our little talk, where I politely informed him that Livinston, Montana was not far enough away from me to be safe, he came to his senses. Instead, he got SKB Stevie, BrentD, and Bob Cash to do what he was afraid to do. These are the kind of spineless cowards that Billy prefers to have here.

Billy thinks I am doing him a favor by repeating his support for anti-gunners and his diatribes against our pro-gun President Donald Trump and our NRA. So he should be happy, right? But Billy isn't too bright. He refuses to acknowledge his Anti-gun hero Obama's ass-kissing of Vladimir Putin, and how Obama became the Father of ISIS by ignoring the advice of his Generals and pulling all troops out of Iraq. And we will never see Trump doing anything as foolish (or treasonous) as entering a deal which all but guaranteed that radical Islamist Iran would have nuclear weapons. None of that, or Obama's many other failures, matters to Billy because he also prefers anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats to be in power... in spite of the threat they pose to our gun rights.

It is sad to see how Billy derailed a very interesting thread. But it is great to see him bring his vitriol and hatred for our pro-2nd amendment President Donald Trump to the Custom Rifle forum. Everyone here needs to see it on full display. And it should be noted that none of his Libtard buddies like SKB or BrentD will complain about it. Not a bit.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.