New early Reilly label for 315 Oxford Street

This nice Beaumont-Adams percussion revolver has a unique label for 315 Oxford Street. The label must have been used after the company name changed to E.M. Reilly & Co. in late October 1859 up to August 1860 when "Gun Manufacturers" appeared and the sketch of the building disappeared from the 502 New Oxford St. labels. It's the first of its kind I've seen:

The interesting thing is, the label is for E.M. Reilly & Co., Armoury House, 315 Oxford Street; yet the name on the rib is E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 New Oxford Street. The label still has the medals from 1851 Crystal Palace Exposition and 1855 Paris Exposition Universelle. Note "Gun Manufactory" used to describe Armoury House.

This was the label for 315 Oxford street used apparently used from January 1859 when Armoury House was opened up to October 1859 when the above label took over. (The word "apparently" is used because the below label is a reproduction; it still has "fusils a bascule" on it):

Last edited by Argo44; 11/06/19 08:55 PM.

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