Ted likes acting like a 5 year old spell checking little hOe...

Mr.Sheit'fer'brains has been stalking me for years I don't see him stopping anytime soon.

I'm so deep in Teds head...short of him dying there is no way he can get me out.

I've even tried to do an exorcisum on him but I can't even help him.

I agree Travis it's sad...

Ironically it goes back years and years ago to a picture of my perfectly sleeved Purdey 10 gauge hammer gun.

Ted saw a picture of the 12 ga. guage mates in it and thought he was looking at the sleaving.. .such a dingbat.

A seamless job 4 ton Nitro proofed choked full and full a beautiful gun...

Last edited by HomelessjOe; 11/07/19 01:14 AM. Reason: Travis watch for the Purdey rant...