I recall reading about an issue with shot balling on the 2 guns. Do not recall the cause, the fix, or anything else.
The ultimate expression thing sounds expensive to me. That little Darne 12 I drag up there every year is 6lbs, 1 oz-with its 6 ounce sling. It is chambered and proofed at 2 3/4, will handle loads that I cant, and hits birds like Odens fury.
A light 12 is very doable, without the big, gold letters that say for 2 cartridges only on the top of the barrels.
Keep looking. Id insist on modern chambers and proof, but, that that is open for consideration, as 2 1/2 in 12 is doable, also, just not as simply.
Simple is easier. Cheaper, usually, too.
