I still come to this website for the double gun knowledge. But the hilarious posts by SKB Stevie and BrentD above show that there is also entertainment, great fiction, and a window into the mind of dishonest hypocrites.

You can learn about double guns here... but there is no where else that you can learn so much about people... if you pay attention to details.

Both of these pretend gentlemen, SKB and BrentD, have many time engaged in vulgar personal attacks, and they are among the very small minority here who conspired with their equally slimy and spineless pal Bob Cash to engage in internet doxxing. Internet doxxing is the practice of attempted intimidation by posting someone's personal information of the web.

It is also a violation of the rules of this forum. So to once again see BrentD preaching his utter bullshit about breaking of rules is precious. BrentD was personally attacking people here before I ever registered on this site. I have posted QUOTES of his attacks on Lowell Glenthorne to show his behavior is nothing new. I can also name several guys who decided to quit posting here because of them and attacks from other disingenuous and dishonest Liberals.

I don't think that anyone has posted the kind of disgusting vulgar filthy trash that their liberal pal nca225 has posted here... yet if you go back through their posts, you will never find one word of complaint about that.

Here is what I told ed good yesterday about the self-described gentlemen who wring their hands and preach about civility and decorum here on Doublegunshop:

Originally Posted By: keith
I never stopped ed... even though some of the liberals here have gone to extreme lengths to try to stop me. They have cried and bitched to Dave. They have conspired and engaged in internet doxxing. They have sent anonymous intimidation mail to my home. They have done extensive internet searches trying to find dirt on me. And they even called me on the phone screaming vulgar threats.

These are the sick bastards that preach about how nice and civilized it is on Upland Journal

Think about that ed.

I did predict a couple weeks ago that BrentD would soon start his whiny estrogen fueled campaign to encourage people to stop financially supporting this site. Looks like I nailed that one!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.