Originally Posted By: SKB
Originally Posted By: craigd
....Steve, my point has nothing to do with....what happens in your house. It's just an observation about admitting that there's a bit bigger picture than brushing something off as obnoxious.

....more like simply knowing your place. The old "judge not, lest ye be judged" thing. As to the bigger picture, there is no defense for the racist posts by your pals. Not sure how you connect defending those posts to closing of classic guns in Crete, Il.

Only conversation Steve, but sure folks judge without knowing what's in the heart. How else would you know my pals are racists?

How about a current events policy example? How could dems vote for a gov in Virginia with the baggage of a documented racist past? Is it because dems knew he would increase their corrections budget in anticipation of criminalizing American citizens who were law abiding in 2019? Or what about a backdoor policy example that I've already explained. Who knows what's in the heart and mind of the decision to close a crete gunshop, other than the supposed reason that the business is being crushed by targeted fees and regulations. Keeping ars off the street, or showing where lefties want their gun control agenda to reach.

Do you honestly believe, not in this 'community' setting, but by their vote, that an rmbill or an nca isn't judging you? And, by their 'conversations', does it seem like just because you write it, that they will come to the conclusion that they will 'judge not'? Hey, it's just a small example identity politics hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of folks right here saying, I only want your ar, but I decree that classic SxSs and sporting rifles are off limits.