Originally Posted By: nca225
....I would also note that your original statement was that there was negative job growth or a net loss of jobs under President Barack Obama. I had asked for your source on that so I could review it. I have not received that yet. As your premise is inconsistent with the factual information I have provided you, do you still stand by it, and if you do, would you please provide a source for it?....

I have yet to receive confirmation that you have the ability to admit that barry said manufacturing jobs in the US are never coming back under any President. If you want, I can get a transcript, third hand extrapolate what it means, and retroactively impeach anyone that didn't see him walk on water?

Did you notice, while progressive 'journalists' where fixated on impeachment and climate change, a bunch of international political and business leaders were jostling for time with your President at Davos? Did you catch the part where the head of the wto says he's looking forward to meeting your President within a week or two in Washington to right wrongs he admits his organization colluded with previous administrations against US economic interests, such as middle class job numbers and wage stagnation?