Insults as usual Keith rather than countering the points Im sure you are intelligent enough to do so but choose to ignore. As I wrote earlier, perhaps youre not reading my posts you certainly arent countering anything I have written, anyway, ,I am happy to forego the limited pleasure of putting holes in a paper target with a handgun if doing so ensures that no more children are murdered in mass school shootings. So far the foregoing of that enjoyment by myself and others in the shooting community has resulted in no more mass school shootings in Scotland.
In my book thats a good result. How many people would need to die before you considered handing in your hand guns oops silly question it would make no difference there are countless millions of them left youre too late that bus left years ago before your handgun industry convinced you that you had to be armed to your teeth to what was it, oh yes oppose a tyrannical government oh and of course pour millions into the industry . Gullible doesnt even nearly cover it

Last edited by Konor3inch; 03/04/20 07:14 PM. Reason: Amendment