Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein
Originally Posted By: Konor3inch
Keith ,

When terrorist attackers have to resort to using knives in their attacks you can see the benefit of not having semi auto centre fires available to the general public.

It would seem that you have missed an important point. The terrorists didnt go away when you eliminated your center fire auto guns. They simply changed their MO.
Im reasonably well enough informed to know that crime, especially violent crime, has not gone down in the U.K. since the massacre in Dunblane. And, that a knife attack is by no means a rare or odd thing in London. Quite the contrary.

If you are content with the way things are, more power to you.

I have my own belief on the many Gun Free zones that cropped up in this country over the last thirty years. I believe it was a deliberate, and well understood plan by those who championed it to unleash criminally ill individuals on those rendered completely defenseless by those who supported this legislation, in an attempt to invalidate and eliminate the second amendment to the US constitution. There were those who clearly understood that the mayhem and killing would be directed at the most vulnerable targets by the criminals who would know enough to pick a soft target, in order to take as many innocent lives along with them on their trip to hell.

They knew it, they understood it, and they did it. They are now, and always have been, aligned with the left of center political spectrum in this country.

They have a lot of blood on their hands.


I had to read Teds post again to make sure I hadnt misread so Keith is this view on Gun Free Zones widely held and is it something you too believe ?
Im honestly starting to feel sorry for you both , it cant be pleasant either living with that level of paranoia or if you are correct living in a country that would permit this to happen,
Sincerely all the best to both of you differences of opinion are just how things are people have to fight their corner , but more importantly people shouldnt be living with that level of mistrust or fear its not healthy and I would not wish it on anyone.

Last edited by Konor3inch; 03/04/20 07:35 PM. Reason: Spelling