Well, it has been a very productive last few days here...

I got Konor3inch to finally come out of the closet and show us how determined he is to come here and undermine our Gun Rights. He wouldn't come back here, but he did return with a vengeance in this Thread that was unfortunately just locked. Check out his lunacy in the last couple pages here:


All Konor3inch wants us to do is to bend over like he did in Scotland, be good little sheep, and give up all of our handguns and semi-auto rifles.

He is seriously suggesting that tens of millions of law abiding U.S. citizens should give away their rights to ownership of perhaps 100 million or more firearms. He thinks that we all should take it on the chin and give up a large portion of our 2nd Amendment Rights because of the actions of a very small number of criminals who misuse firearms.

This is a good time to point out how terrible the anti-gun Democrats thought it was for Michael Bloomberg to pass the "Stop and Frisk Laws" when he was Mayor of New York City. Stop and Frisk was incredibly successful, and resulted in a huge reduction in violent crime and murder. The Cops and Bloomberg knew exactly that the problem isn't middle aged white guys who want to hunt and protect their families and teach their kids and grandkids to shoot. They knew it was the gang-bangers and career criminals that were repeatedly arrested, and released or paroled to go out and engage in more violent crimes.
Stop and Frisk took them and their guns off the streets.

Anti-gun Democrats screamed bloody murder about this. They were a lot more concerned about violating the rights of violent career criminals and gang-bangers than they are about taking away your guns and your 2nd Amendment Constitutional Rights.

This is the mentality of the politicians that rocky mtn bill and other FUDD's and Trolls here support. These people like Konor3inch and rocky mtn bill are mentally sick, and it is high time that we finally confront them.

We will never change them with facts, reason, or dialog. But we should always remind them that they are not our friends. Or we can just let them continue to undermine us like termites eating away your house until it is destroyed. Time to wake up and put a stop to this gentlemen!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.