So tell us Konor3inch, just where do you get the idea that I stockpile military style firearms, and simply store them in some closet out of paranoia?

I use my guns for perfectly legitimate purposes. I hunt. I shoot targets. I collect Lefever double shotguns which have many interesting variations, but are certainly not assault weapons. If you really knew anything about me, you'd know that much of my hunting is done with a flintlock. However, I am even ready to quickly put an end to any violent criminals that might make the mistake of attacking my residence and my family. What you own and shoot sounds boring to me. Variety is the spice of life, but you are not trusted by your government. Too bad,

I do not own an AR-15 or AK 47. I have a Russian and an Albanian SKS, but just two weeks ago, added a Chinese SKS because it was offered to me so cheap that it will be a good investment if some Democrat like Obama ever threatens our rights and causes extreme demand and price increases again. Those few semi-automatics aren't bothering anyone except anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats and FUDD's like you.

My guns are posing no more risk to the public than your guns. If anything, I am better prepared to stop a thief from stealing my guns, and using them for nefarious purposes.

But still, you make lame excuses for keeping what you enjoy, and sacrificing hundreds of millions of perfectly legal guns legitimately owned by millions of perfectly law abiding citizens.

I might feel somewhat differently if liberal anti-gunners had exhausted every means of keeping the bad guys off the streets. But you and I know the exact opposite it true. You won't go near my observations about the "Stop and Frisk" laws that all of the Democrat Presidential candidates criticized Michael Bloomberg for enacting. Why on earth would any sane or intelligent person support restricting the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens, when the rational and much more effective alternative would be to restrict the rights of known criminals and those most likely to commit crimes with guns?

You obviously don't have any answers for this. It is far simpler for a simpleton like you to preach your anti-gun dogma than it is to actually think. Of course, we shouldn't expect a sheep like you to think.

Tell us some more that you are not anti-gun. You are delusional enough to have convinced yourself. Not one of the guys who have confronted you believe you. Only the idiot rocky mtn bill thinks your ideas are sensible and rational. So why then, do you keep harping on something craigd posted that you don't understand?

I'll betcha craigd knows the difference between an apostrophe and a comma. But please, keep flailing and tap dancing away from the things you don't have the brains to explain.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.