craigd, we ought to also remind Coward3inch and Billy about the D.C. Sniper who terrorized the Washington area for weeks. The many victims were all killed with a single bullet, fired from his concealed position in the trunk of a car.

Billy's five round Mausers and Coward3inch's rifles would do just fine in the hands of a mentally ill killer.

But we should know from years of taking the time to truthfully explain the facts about inanimate objects used as weapons, that anti-gunners simply don't want to hear it. They know the truth, but they choose to deny the truth and spread anti-gun lies.

I don't explain this stuff ad nauseam for them. They are too far gone. I do it to keep them going. I want them to keep showing everyone just how dangerous they are to those of us who are interested in keeping our 2nd Amendment Rights, and passing them on intact to our children. Our fathers did that for us, and it is up to us to expend a little time, money, and effort to do the same.

I would be ashamed to look my kids or grandkids in the eye some day, and admit that I helped to give away the freedoms our forefathers fought and died to give to us.

Coward3inch, and all of the other FUDD's in Scotland and the UK might not even be here today if it wasn't for the sacrifices of so-called violent 2nd Amendment Rights loving Americans who saved their sorry asses in WW II. Just look at the gratitude, and the stupidity of those who think there is nothing under all of those Crosses in the cemeteries around Normandy and Arlington.

I don't ever want the future generations to look back at my generation, and say I and other gun owners were spineless sheep.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.