My wife and I are fortunate to live in rural northern Wisconsin. Our property is very close to a large state wildlife area. We can walk our dogs on a road and trails through the area until April 15 with almost no chance of encountering anyone else. After April 15, dogs off leash aren't allowed on the wildlife area. But we're also very near to thousands of acres of county forest, also with roads and trails we can use. We also both do some jogging, and we can do that on the road we live on. Less traffic than normal (meaning almost none), and minimal chance of meeting anyone else. So even while isolating and practicing social distancing, we have quite a few options. Other than the gun clubs being closed, our lifestyle isn't cramped very much. We can still get takeout from local restaurants, and will do so to support them during this time of hardship for our local supper clubs.

Eventually, this too will pass. I'm hoping it does so before the panfishing becomes active on local lakes. But I can probably do that as well while avoiding contact with other humans. Small lakes with primitive access (fine for my canoe), so very little boat traffic. I usually go early in the morning and have the water (and the fish) to myself.

Last edited by L. Brown; 03/27/20 11:55 AM.