Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....couldn't manage a garage sale. Never mind his ridiculous hair. Look at the turnover rate in the WH. No one with any ability or ethics can survive in that swamp. He can't stand competence b ecause he has none himself. I hate Trump because I see the daily damage he does to the country. Evangelicals worship him because, like him, they reject science and reason in favor of a tooth ferry version of Christianity. Hatred is a dangerous state of mind, but there are situations where no other response is available that does not make you an accomplice.

Bill, hatred is NOT a dangerous state of mind, it's used as an excuse by some folks for the lack of a moral compass.

Quick question, except for aoc, when your best ever President stuck up for Justice Kavanaugh, didn't he show the most political spine since biden called barak a clean black guy? Or, maybe you identify with moral fortitude it takes to say that you can't go to a 7-11 or duncan donuts without a slight indian accent?

The science of hypocrisy, eh bill?